What is it about?

Stenting has been proposed as an effective treatment to restore blood flow in obstructed arteries by plaques. Although several modified designs for stents have been suggested, most designs have the risk of disturbing blood flow. The paper studies the effect of geometry of the stent and the applied loading profile on its expansion.

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Why is it important?

Our simulation shows that the stent design whose first cell thickness linearly increases by 35 percent, exhibits the best performance, that is it has the lowest recoiling and stress induced in the intima for a given lumen gain. It also enjoys the minimal discrepancy between the final at the distal and proximal ends.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: A numerical study on the effect of geometrical parameters and loading profile on the expansion of stent, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, August 2017, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/bme-171691.
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