What is it about?

Climate change is being felt with increasing force and frequency, not only due to extreme weather events, but also due to the number of people who are forced to abandon their territories due to crucial humanitarian needs and protection gaps. However, pre-existing social, economic, and environmental vulnerabilities create a greater likelihood of being forced to move due to the impacts of climate change. Particularly important is this situation for women and girls who face intersectional and socio-structural discriminations, which shape their adaptation and resilience to climate impacts and, in the worst cases, conditions their migration processes. While migration induced by climate change has a very important gender component, it has not received enough attention. Neither statistical data nor legal frameworks adequately integrate and address climate migration from a gender perspective, which contributes to perpetuating vulnerabilities, invisibility and lack of protection. Therefore, this article addresses the international legal potentialities, developments, but also the limitations, to protect climate migrants from a gender sensitive and responsive perspective.

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Why is it important?

This article is important because it provides a reflection on preventive responses that can ensure that mitigation and adaptation efforts address sources of vulnerability based on gender, gender inequality and poverty, as well as appropriate reactive responses to protect the rights of migrant women, who face unequal shocks generated by the effects of climate change.


With this article I hope to contribute to the debate on how to better protect people affected by climate change. Particularly women and girls in mobility situations as a consequence of differential effects of climate impacts due to structures of gender-based discrimination.

Susana Borràs-Pentinat
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Climate Migration: A Gendered Perspective, Environmental Policy and Law, February 2024, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/epl-239008.
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