Proceedings of the Second Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: What's in the Pipeline
Aysegul Gunduz, Hokuto Morita, P. Justin Rossi, William L. Allen, Ron L. Alterman, Helen Bronte-Stewart, Christopher R. Butson, David Charles, Sjaak Deckers, Coralie de Hemptinne, Mahlon DeLong, Darin Dougherty, Jens Ellrich, Kelly D. Foote, James Giordano, Wayne Goodman, Benjamin D. Greenberg, David Greene, Robert Gross, Jack W. Judy, Edward Karst, Alexander Kent, Brian Kopell, Anthony Lang, Andres Lozano, Codrin Lungu, Kelly E. Lyons, Andre Machado, Hubert Martens, Cameron McIntyre, Hoon-Ki Min, Joseph Neimat, Jill Ostrem, Sat Pannu, Francisco Ponce, Nader Pouratian, Donnie Reymers, Lauren Schrock, Sameer Sheth, Ludy Shih, Scott Stanslaski, G. Karl Steinke, Paul Stypulkowski, Alexander I. Tröster, Leo Verhagen, Harrison Walker, Michael S. Okun
International Journal of Neuroscience, May 2015, Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.3109/00207454.2014.999268