What is it about?

The method is: first, focus on the selective investigation of existing technology and management systems, and then focus on how to construct our professional learning and content management system in the process of physical education and training. Finally, actively introducing the existing research results of smart system studied, mainly selecting suitable theoretical models and technical measures, so that teachers and students of this major can actively participate. The result is: because we have fully introduced a series of simple and effective cognitive systems and new information processing strategies and new tools from experts in intelligent systems, we can combine the theoretical knowledge in physical education textbooks with the practical experience of physical education teachers and coaches. The combination, thus, allows the process of physical education and training to fully enjoy the information and communication technology in education and research, and then constructs the professional learning and content management system.

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Why is it important?

Its significance lies in the promotion and popularization of this research result, not only can benefit the training of teachers of physical education in normal colleges, but also can further benefit the teachers and students of universities, middle schools and primary schools, so that they can appreciate the new research of smart systems as soon as possible. Strategies and new tools promote the role of information and communication technology in education and research across the industry.


The purpose of the research is to raise the level of use of information and communication technology in education and research to a new level.

Researcher Xiaohui Zou

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Learning and Content Management System in the Process of Sports and Training, January 2021, Atlantis Press,
DOI: 10.2991/assehr.k.210803.027.
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