What is it about?

This research is about how digital architectural designs can actually "age". Unlike real buildings that physically decay over time, digital designs also exhibit a form of "decay" or "ageing", which is often seen as glitches or errors. Instead of treating these glitches as errors or malfunctions, the researchers view them as a part of the design's evolution, similar to how a physical building might age and decay. They conducted a series of design experiments to understand better and interpret these glitches. They also developed a method to create new designs based on these glitches. The goal is to bring an element of authenticity to digital architecture by incorporating and interpreting these glitches as an inherent part of the architectural form.

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Why is it important?

Redefining Digital Decay: Normal wear and tear is expected in physical structures, but digital designs also experience their version of decay in the form of glitches. Understanding this can help to redefine how we view and interpret the lifespan and evolution of digital designs. Enhancing Authenticity: By treating glitches as part of the design process rather than errors to be fixed, this research brings a new layer of authenticity to digital architecture. This could potentially transform how we approach and appreciate digital designs. Innovation in Design: This research uses glitches as a tool for creativity and innovation, sparking new designs and aesthetics. This is a novel approach in the field of digital architecture, which can lead to unique designs that may not have been conceptualized through traditional methods. Technological Evolution: As our world becomes increasingly digital, understanding the behaviour of digital designs and systems, including their "glitches", becomes more critical. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of how digital systems evolve and adapt over time. Expanding Field of Study: This research opens up new areas of study within digital architecture, pushing the field's boundaries and encouraging further exploration and experimentation.


I focus on the intriguing concept of 'decay' in the digital world, particularly in architectural designs. Typically, we view glitches or errors in digital designs as problems that must be fixed. We, however, embrace these 'imperfections' as a natural part of a digital structure's lifecycle, much like physical wear and tear in real buildings. By exploring how to incorporate these glitches into the design process creatively, we introduce a novel approach to digital architecture, offering a fresh perspective on authenticity and innovation in design. It opens up a new frontier in architectural studies, paving the way for further explorations of the evolving landscape of digital architecture.

Professor Marc Aurel Schnabel
Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Glitch architecture, June 2021, Victoria University of Wellington Library,
DOI: 10.26686/wgtn.14838195.
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