What is it about?

A focus on sustainability in aviation is required to mitigate the environmental impact of its growth. NASA’s Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) project has suggested goals through the N+ program that plan to reduce aviation noise emissions in the years 2015, 2020, and 2025. The FAA’s Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) is one of the most advanced capabilities to model aircraft operations and compute the associated environmental metrics. This work seeks to validate AEDT's noise model using real world noise measurement data as well as Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) data at the San Francisco Airport.

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Why is it important?

The Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) offers the capability to model aviation operations using data sources of differing fidelity and is used worldwide for quantifying emissions and noise impacts of such operations. . Tools like AEDT are essential for environmental mitigation efforts in aerospace as it is able to provide quantitative meaning to a very large sustainability problem. AEDT facilitates environmental review activities required under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by consolidating the modeling of these environmental impacts in a single tool. Validating AEDT's performance with real world data provides vital feedback to the developers to improve it's accuracy.


Study presents validation efforts at one airport using real world flight data and noise monitoring data. Work on expanding this validation study to three other airports is underway.

Mayank Bendarkar
University System of Georgia

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Preliminary AEDT Noise Model Validation using Real-World Data, January 2024, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA),
DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-2107.
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