What is it about?
Wake of an aircraft fuselage is investigated to improve aircraft flight performance and its body was simplified to a cylinder with a slanted base called a slanted cylinder. In this study, the slanted cylinder was magnetically supported and controlled with six degrees of freedom (6-DOF) by means of a magnetic suspension and balance system (MSBS). The control stability was less than 8.9 µm and 18.6 mdeg at 15m/s freestream. Aerodynamic force on the cylinder was measured and its wake was visualized.
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Photo by Daniel Eledut on Unsplash
Why is it important?
A test model is usually fixed to a wind tunnel by a support structure in conventional experiments, and the support structure has been reported to interfere with the flow around the test model. Therefore, the support interference should be addressed for more detailed studies. Because the MSBS can support the test model magnetically, the ideal flow conditions are obtained and the effects of the support interference are clarified by comparing the results.
An advanced technique in which the test model is supported by magnetic force clarified some interference of the support structure in the wind tunnel experiments. We believe this work further develops experimental studies of aerodynamics.
Kodai Tashiro
Tohoku Daigaku
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Aerodynamic Hysteresis and Reynolds Number Effect of Slanted Cylinder Afterbody in Magnetic Suspension and Balance System, June 2022, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA),
DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-4167.
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