What is it about?

Excessive rotor vibration is a critical issue in the development and operation of modern rotorcraft.Sophisticate aeroelastic design of composite rotor blades can mush relieve these vibrations. However, the conventional design methods were insufficient to deal with the design complexities of aeroelastic design. We specified the design complexities occured in aeroelastic design of composite rotor blades, and proposed a novel design method adopting machine learning techniques. The present method has showed the superior performance in design space exploration, and resulted in global optima fully utilizing the nonlinear physical relationships implied in multi-disciplinary phenomena.

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Why is it important?

First, we specified the design complexities of aeroelastic design of composite rotor blades, which is the reason why the conventional design method can easily fall into local optima. Second, technical challenges for global optimization have been resolved by adopting some appropriate machine learning techniques. Third, the operations of optimization algorithm have been systematically compared with the conventional one. Furthermore, optimum designs obtained by the present and conventional design methods were compared in a comprehensive manner, and the underlying physical relationships were scrutinized.


The experience of research and writing this article was an excellent opportunity for us. The comprehensive design analysis about fully coupled aerodynamics, structural dynamics, and control gave us much insight into rotorcraft design over the system-subsystem-component levels. I hope that this kind of design study and comprehensive analysis of the system will be conducted and published in the aerospace engineering field.

Mr. Dawoon Lee
Seoul National University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Aeroelastic Design and Comprehensive Analysis of Composite Rotor Blades Through Cluster-Based Kriging, AIAA Journal, July 2022, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA),
DOI: 10.2514/1.j061820.
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