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A B S T R A C T During the different period of architectural design, designers attempt to achieve high level of life quality for all users. Architecture and urban planner want to provide a style of design which not only achieves different function for different users with respect to their ethnicity, ability, age, sex, capability, position, and life style but also improve friendly environment throughout responsive legislation based on long-term planning. Although, the styles are considered some indicators, it is ignored the other important characteristics. Therefore, the existing styles never achieve standard level of satisfaction of different people. The goal of the research is to introduce meta-postmodern style as supplement stylistic approach. The style tries to consider all important indicators that create a strategic long-term planning for different generations. Various characteristics of new style can be applied to improve the quality of human life and provide a health, livable and sustainable planning for all users.

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In Pursuit of Sustainable Strategic Long-term Planning Throughout Meta-postmodernism as New Perspective of Stylistic Design *Ph.D. CandidateMojdehNikoofam1,Ph.D. CandidateAbdollahMobaraki2 1Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey 2 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Cyprus international University, Turkey E mail: mojdeh.nikoofam@gmail.com, E mail: a_mobarakie@yahoo.com A B S T R A C T During the different period of architectural design, designers attempt to achieve high level of life quality for all users. Architecture and urban planner want to provide a style of design which not only achieves different function for different users with respect to their ethnicity, ability, age, sex, capability, position, and life style but also improve friendly environment throughout responsive legislation based on long-term planning. Although, the styles are considered some indicators, it is ignored the other important characteristics. Therefore, the existing styles never achieve standard level of satisfaction of different people. The goal of the research is to introduce meta-postmodern style as supplement stylistic approach. The style tries to consider all important indicators that create a strategic long-term planning for different generations. Various characteristics of new style can be applied to improve the quality of human life and provide a health, livable and sustainable planning for all users. CONTEMPORARY URBAN AFFAIRS (2017) 1(1), 45-55. https://doi.org/10.25034/1761.1(1)45-55 www.ijcua.com Copyright © 2017 Contemporary Urban Affairs. All rights reserved. 1 . Introduction During the last decade, most of cities have created the common problems for nations and future generation. Ozay (2005) mentioned cities always are the heart of civilization and vitality. Designers are able to reflect civilization by considering cultural, environmental, economic, social and technological characteristics of the society. Architecture is a combination of art and science for designing building and environment and it can give proper expression to the personalities and social status of people (Able, 1997). However, according to Heynen&Henket (2002), industrial revolution invites our world to the new era that the revolution also has significant influence on the architectural trend. Modern style has arrived to design and architecture. New technology and high speed access to all sciences and knowledge are the major cause to change life perception as well as architecture design. Consequently, modern architecture was faced with controversial trend because this style had been ignored many characteristics which have deep effect on quality of human life. Although, there are many benefits in being adapted with the progressive modern cities and building, the trend had been provided many problems during this blind imitation. Glassy high rise building and homogenized apartments was seen everywhere in the cities regardless environmental and cultural factors of the metropolitans. According to the disadvantages of the style, architecture and urban planning understand that their design should be considered all important values. So, postmodern style tried to make integration between past and present but the style caused many disadvantages like lack of diversity and consideration future people. Architecture and urban design are more than science or art. They can be defined a language that can reflect spiritual, social, cultural and environmental characters, national identity of a specific region by symbolic meaning, and prestige of structures. Design can have deep influence on various aspects that they contain: a) psychological, and health aspect of human; b) our natural, physical and built environment; c) social and cultural characteristic; d) cost of life; e) health and needs of future generation. Therefore, in the following context of the study have been attempted to introduce a new stylistic approach which based on long term vision in order to make sustainable future cities. The cities are designed based on strategic meta-postmodernism style to support high quality of human life for present and future people. Meanwhile, the style try to provide post nationality which is mean space and city not only sustain sense of place for their local people but also there are attractive and memorable for strange people. The graph is illustrated the structure of the study to consider the important indicator of design which have deep effect on improving the quality of life for all generation. Fifure 1. Structure of the Study.


In Pursuit of Sustainable Strategic Long-term Planning Throughout Meta-postmodernism as New Perspective of Stylistic Design *Ph.D. CandidateMojdehNikoofam1,Ph.D. CandidateAbdollahMobaraki2 1Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey 2 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Cyprus international University, Turkey E mail: mojdeh.nikoofam@gmail.com, E mail: a_mobarakie@yahoo.com A B S T R A C T During the different period of architectural design, designers attempt to achieve high level of life quality for all users. Architecture and urban planner want to provide a style of design which not only achieves different function for different users with respect to their ethnicity, ability, age, sex, capability, position, and life style but also improve friendly environment throughout responsive legislation based on long-term planning. Although, the styles are considered some indicators, it is ignored the other important characteristics. Therefore, the existing styles never achieve standard level of satisfaction of different people. The goal of the research is to introduce meta-postmodern style as supplement stylistic approach. The style tries to consider all important indicators that create a strategic long-term planning for different generations. Various characteristics of new style can be applied to improve the quality of human life and provide a health, livable and sustainable planning for all users. CONTEMPORARY URBAN AFFAIRS (2017) 1(1), 45-55. https://doi.org/10.25034/1761.1(1)45-55 www.ijcua.com Copyright © 2017 Contemporary Urban Affairs. All rights reserved. 1 . Introduction During the last decade, most of cities have created the common problems for nations and future generation. Ozay (2005) mentioned cities always are the heart of civilization and vitality. Designers are able to reflect civilization by considering cultural, environmental, economic, social and technological characteristics of the society. Architecture is a combination of art and science for designing building and environment and it can give proper expression to the personalities and social status of people (Able, 1997). However, according to Heynen&Henket (2002), industrial revolution invites our world to the new era that the revolution also has significant influence on the architectural trend. Modern style has arrived to design and architecture. New technology and high speed access to all sciences and knowledge are the major cause to change life perception as well as architecture design. Consequently, modern architecture was faced with controversial trend because this style had been ignored many characteristics which have deep effect on quality of human life. Although, there are many benefits in being adapted with the progressive modern cities and building, the trend had been provided many problems during this blind imitation. Glassy high rise building and homogenized apartments was seen everywhere in the cities regardless environmental and cultural factors of the metropolitans. According to the disadvantages of the style, architecture and urban planning understand that their design should be considered all important values. So, postmodern style tried to make integration between past and present but the style caused many disadvantages like lack of diversity and consideration future people. Architecture and urban design are more than science or art. They can be defined a language that can reflect spiritual, social, cultural and environmental characters, national identity of a specific region by symbolic meaning, and prestige of structures. Design can have deep influence on various aspects that they contain: a) psychological, and health aspect of human; b) our natural, physical and built environment; c) social and cultural characteristic; d) cost of life; e) health and needs of future generation. Therefore, in the following context of the study have been attempted to introduce a new stylistic approach which based on long term vision in order to make sustainable future cities. The cities are designed based on strategic meta-postmodernism style to support high quality of human life for present and future people. Meanwhile, the style try to provide post nationality which is mean space and city not only sustain sense of place for their local people but also there are attractive and memorable for strange people. The graph is illustrated the structure of the study to consider the important indicator of design which have deep effect on improving the quality of life for all generation. Fifure 1. Structure of the Study.

Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs
Girne American University

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This page is a summary of: In Pursuit of Sustainable Strategic Long-term Planning Throughout Meta-postmodernism as New Perspective of Stylistic Design, January 2017, Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs (JCUA),
DOI: 10.25034/1761.1(1)45-55.
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