What is it about?

Notches are very important factors in any structural bodies. An attempt has been made to optimize TIG welding process parameters for 316L stainless steel material to obtain maximum notch tensile strength, as well as unnotch tensile strength simultaneously.

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Why is it important?

The existence of the notches or in other words stress concentration can deprecate the mechanical properties of a material. So, notch tensile strength is taken as a response and try to obtain the optimal parametric settings for TIG welding process on NTS and UTS simultaneously.


It is a great pleasure for writing this article and it has coauthors with whom I have been working a hard. This article will give a direction for notches and notch tensile strength of welded structures.

Mr. Subhas Chandra Moi
Jadavpur University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Determination of Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Input Parameters to Attain Maximum Tensile Strength of 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel, Strojnícky časopis - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, November 2018, De Gruyter,
DOI: 10.2478/scjme-2018-0037.
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