What is it about?
Viewing the issue of Persian terminological proposition as a compelling need, thisstudy has addressed the vital necessity for adopting a translational approach towards the issue of terminographical work. In this regard, mention can be made of the terminological gaps for such items as synset/synonym set, concordance, superordinate, … . Working on the basis of a theoretically-sustained scenario, translating a text can provide us with a practically authentic path as to how and where to detect the probable terminological gaps in the target specialized discourse, while offering a formula to ultimately provide for such gaps.
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Why is it important?
Special discourses are perceived to cross-lingually suffer from the problem of a lack of one-to-one correspondence with regard to their specialized terminology.This problem turns to be more acute in scientific discourses where a higher load of technical items makes cross-discoursal communication considerably more demanding. An alternative perspective to address the challenge of probable terminographic gaps which might exist within any specialized discourse can be offered by adopting a translational approach.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: The Challenge of Terminographic Gaps in Translation: A Text-based Approach Put to Practice, Research in Language, June 2018, De Gruyter,
DOI: 10.2478/rela-2018-0011.
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