What is it about?

Analysing electromagnetic phenomena in electrodynamic devices of any type, in which moving and immovable elements are simultaneously present, is an extremely difficult task. Such an analysis will be most complete and comprehensive when it is carried out on the basis of the use of electromagnetic field theory methods. In order to calculate electromagnetic processes in electrodynamic devices using Maxwell's equations, it is necessary to take into account the coordinate systems of moving and immovable elements of their design. This is a very important condition for the implementation of theoretically justified mathematical modelling of electromagnetic phenomena in electrodynamic devices based on the methods of electromagnetic field theory. This is due to the fact that qualitatively and quantitatively the electromagnetic process in all its elements will have a different character in different coordinate systems of moving and immovable objects. The paper proposes new, theoretically grounded, methods of simultaneous calculation of electromagnetic processes in all moving and immovable zones of electrodynamic devices using Maxwell's equations. The proposed methods take into account the coordinate systems of moving and immovable elements of the device design during calculations.

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Why is it important?

The application of electromagnetic field theory methods for the calculation of electromagnetic phenomena in electrodynamic devices makes it possible to develop and optimize the design with the necessary characteristics of both the individual elements of the device and the electrodynamic device in general. Therefore, it is important to obtain an objective, real picture of transient and steady-state spatial-temporal distributions of electromagnetic quantities in all moving and immovable zones of an electrodynamic device. Such data can be obtained only on the basis of the application of theoretically justified methods of calculating electromagnetic phenomena in electrodynamic devices using the equations of Maxwell. Such methods are considered in the proposed work. The methods presented in the work make it possible to obtain spatial-temporal distributions of electromagnetic values in all zones of an electrodynamic device with reference to a moving or immovable coordinate system. Thus, it is possible to carry out the analysis of electromagnetic processes in all elements of the device in moving and immovable coordinate systems at the same time. This opens up additional opportunities for the design and development of electrodynamic devices for various purposes.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Improved Approaches Toward Analysis of Electromagnetic Processes in Electrodynamical Devices Based on the Theory of Electromagnetic Field, Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, December 2023, Tsinghua University Press,
DOI: 10.23919/cjee.2023.000041.
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