Loss of OcaB Prevents Age-Induced Fat Accretion and Insulin Resistance by Altering B-Lymphocyte Transition and Promoting Energy Expenditure
Sophie Carter, Stéphanie Miard, Alexandre Caron, Sandrine Sallé-Lefort, Philippe St-Pierre, Fernando Forato Anhê, Emilie Lavoie-Charland, Pascale Blais-Lecours, Marie-Claude Drolet, Julie S. Lefebvre, Julie Lacombe, Yves Deshaies, Jacques Couet, Mathieu Laplante, Mathieu Ferron, Yohan Bossé, André Marette, Denis Richard, David Marsolais, Frédéric Picard
Diabetes, March 2018, American Diabetes Association
DOI: 10.2337/db17-0558