What is it about?

"The Turtle and the Dreamboat’" is the first detailed account of the race for long-distance flight records between the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy less than fourteen months after World War II. The flights were risky and unprecedented. Each service intended to demonstrate its offensive capabilities during the dawning nuclear age, a time when America was realigning its military structure and preparing to create a new armed service—the United States Air Force.

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Why is it important?

Both audacious flights above oceans, deserts, mountains, and icecaps helped to shape the future of worldwide commercial aviation, greatly reducing the length and costs of international routes. Jim Leeke provides an account of the remarkable and record-breaking flights that forever changed aviation.


"The Turtle and the Dreamboat’" combines two exciting aviation stories with the history of the fierce Army-Navy inter-service rivalry that preceded the formation of the U.S. Air Force. The unprecedented, long-distance flights influenced modern commercial aviation.

Jim Leeke

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Distances, June 2022, JSTOR,
DOI: 10.2307/j.ctv2fmxzst.9.
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