The perceived global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on doctors’ medical and surgical training: an international survey
. TMS Collaborative, Ryan Laloo, Rama Santhosh Karri, Kasun Wanigasooriya, William Beedham, Adnan Darr, Georgia Layton, Peter Logan, Yanyu Tan, Devender Mittapalli, Tapan Patel, Vivaswan Dutt Mishra, Osama Faleh Odeh, Swathi Prakash, Salma Elnoamany, Sri Ramya Peddinti, Elorm Adzoa Daketsey, Shardool Gadgil, Ahmad Bouhuwaish, Ahmad Ozair, Sanchit Bansal, Muhammed Elhadi, Aditya Amit Godbole, Ariana Axiaq, Faateh Ahmad Rauf, Ashna Ashpak
March 2021, Authorea, Inc.
DOI: 10.22541/au.161717872.24336359/v1