What is it about?

it is a adverse drug reaction induced by dapsone. This case reported the rare and fatal adverse event of dapsone therapy and a careful vision is needed on the patients who are on the dapsone treatment. This work also signifies the managing of adverse drug reactions in MB-MDT for the successful establishment of an anti-leprosy regimen.

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Why is it important?

it is important to know about the medication side effects which are used in the immunocompromised patients.


it is nice to publish this work

Dr Lakshmi Narasimha Gunturu
Annamacharya College of Pharmacy

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: DAPSONE HYPERSENSITIVITY SYNDROME: A COMPLICATION OF DAPSONE THERAPY, Innovare Journal of Medical Sciences, February 2021, Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd,
DOI: 10.22159/ijms.2021.v9i2.41008.
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