What is it about?

Most nephrologist organizations function at the national level. The Florida Society of Nephrology is a strong organization that has an enormous impact for nephrologists in the state of Florida. Everything from advocacy in the state capital to outstanding CME and MOC educational programs to work force recruitment program in the state's medical schools and practice support for our members makes the FSN a valued resource for nephrologists practicing in Florida.

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Why is it important?

Nephrology as a subspeciality has come under increased pressure in the last decade. Fewer applicants to fellowship programs has translated into fewer well trained nephrologists prepared to enter into the workforce. Nephrologists are busy and need support- the Florida Society of Nephrology is able to provide this for its members. The strength of having academic and private sector nephrologists from across the state working together has resulted in a series of impressive accomplishments for the organization.


I have been very involved with the FSN for 15 years and have made strong relationships with my nephrology colleagues from across Florida. I have found the time I spend in FSN activities to be unique and quite different from my day to day work. I have learned a great deal about the power of a strong grassroots professional organization and what can be accomplished.

David Roth
University of Miami

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Organizing Nephrologists at the State Level, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, November 2022, American Society of Nephrology,
DOI: 10.2215/cjn.09430822.
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