Which characteristics of primary care doctors determine their use of teleconsultations in the catalan public Health system? A retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study (Preprint)
Oscar Solans Fernández, Francesc López Seguí, Josep Vidal-Alaball, Josep Maria Bonet Simo, Oscar Hernandez Vian, Pascual Roig Cabo, Marta Carrasco Hernandez, Carmen Olmos Dominguez, Xavier Alzaga Reig, Yesika Díaz Rodríguez, Manuel Medina Peralta, Eduardo Hermosilla, Nuria Martínez León, Nuria Guimferrer, Mercedes Abizanda González, Francesc García Cuyàs, Pol Pérez Sust
October 2019, JMIR Publications Inc.
DOI: 10.2196/preprints.16484