What is it about?
The Regeneration Promise is a reader-friendly guide to the world of regenerative medicine and stem cell technology. It covers the history of stem cell technology as a general introduction to the subject and then continues with a description of the many known types of stem cells and how these can potentially be used to treat disease. The author explains the pros and cons of using stem cell technology to treat patients in simple and factual terms throughout the book while clarifying many stem cell myths. There is valuable advice for people considering undergoing stem cell therapy and also for those who are considering stem cell storage such as umbilical cord blood storage at the birth of a baby. The book also covers information on current research in stem cell technology and how this may be useful in the clinic, as promising regenerative medicine treatments emerge in the near future. The simple use of language with a clear explanation of scientific terms, where applicable, makes this book an accessible source of information for anyone interested in enhancing their general knowledge about regenerative medicine when considering such treatment options and understanding the debate surrounding stem cell technology and its use in disease therapy.
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Why is it important?
The general level of understanding about stem cell technology is very poor. This is a big problem when people come to the point of considering stem cell therapy, most often at a private clinic. The book describes the problems and pitfalls of this process and offers advice to keep people safe both financially and medically
This is the first in a series of books on demystifying medicine. The second will be on IVF and is called The Fertility Promise. It will be published in late 2021
Professor Peter Hollands
Consultant Clinical Scientist
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Medicine Demystified, December 2020, Bentham Science Publishers,
DOI: 10.2174/97898114821371200101.
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