What is it about?

In this article we summarized, categorized and suggested the most appropriate ways of modern autism spectrum disorder (ASD) management. Therapeutic interventions for a complex disorder like ASD need to be multi-directional. No single strategy claims to be a multifaceted solution to the diverse symptomatology of ASD. Here we suggested to divide treatment strategies in humans into three groups: current, promising, and perspective with appropriate timeline. A timeline starts with an accurate clinical diagnosis of ASD confirmed by lab tests, indicating the need to initiate treatment. Treatment begins with balancing the gastrointestinal disfunctions (GI therapy). Vitamin/mineral supplementation, mitochondrial improvement, and anti-inflammatory methods are recommended as adjuncts throughout the entire regimen. All treatment approaches are divided into three broad categories depending on their clinical practicality. Basic/current methods are clinically safe and ready for usage. Promising methods are currently under study and are showing positive results. They may be clinically recommended soon and implemented in the chart accordingly after approval. Finally, prospective methods are still in their infancy, but researchers have high hopes that they will be able to provide far more radical and effective ASD treatment when tested sufficiently. A tailored approach to every case may be the best way to tackle this complex disorder. In turn, the suggested timeline for treatment approaches should be more personalized based on symptoms.

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Why is it important?

The way forward in ASD treatment should begin with standardizing and classifying treatment methods into a spectrum. By starting with GI therapy, chelation, and nutritional supplementation as first-line therapy, greater acceptance can be assured among the concerned demographics, especially in parents of children with ASD. A case-by-case approach should be established to better follow up on severe cases of ASD with increasingly targeted treatment methods like antimicrobials, antivirals, and immunotherapy. With advances in ASD research, it is reasonable to believe that stem cells hold the key to universal ASD resolution in the future.


We summarized current, promising, and prospective treatment options for Autism Spector Disorder and provide vision and possible guideline to treat autism. Nevertheless, we also believe that the approach to treat autism must take into account individual characteristics.

Konstantin Yenkoyan
Yerevan State Medical University Named after Mkhitar Heratsi

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Advances in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Current and Promising Strategies, Current Medicinal Chemistry, April 2024, Bentham Science Publishers,
DOI: 10.2174/0109298673252910230920151332.
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