What is it about?

Sewage discharged to the municipal sewage system require the industry to use pre-treatment technology for wastewater. Under the site-specific conditions, diffrent treatment methods could be siutable. This paper examines diffrent coagulants and theirs efficiency to treat wastewater from the paper industry.

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Why is it important?

Based on demonstrated technological and economic benefit, only one coagulant seems to be promising for COD control in the paper industry due to relatively high efficiency at lower costs. Following these findings, it could be concluded that the best option for the treatment of the wastewater from paper industries is the coagulation technique, at the optimal operating condition. However in the majority of analysed cases, sewage from industrial papermills achieves the applicable legal norms.


This article is result of long coolaboration with industry in Poland and also international presenting of results.

Joanna Boguniewicz-Zablocka
Politechnika Opolska

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Cost-effective removal of COD in the pre-treatment of wastewater from the paper industry, Water Science & Technology, September 2019, IWA Publishing,
DOI: 10.2166/wst.2019.328.
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