What is it about?
Many investors in order to predict stock prices use various techniques like fundamental analysis and technical analysis and sometimes rely on the discussions provided by various stock market analysts. ARIMA is a part of time-series analysis under prediction algorithms, and this paper attempts to predict the share prices of selected pharmaceutical companies in India, listed under NIFTY100, using the ARIMA model.
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Why is it important?
Many investors in order to predict stock prices use various techniques like fundamental analysis and technical analysis and sometimes rely on the discussions provided by various stock market analysts. ARIMA is a part of time-series analysis under prediction algorithms, and this paper attempts to predict the share prices of selected pharmaceutical companies in India, listed under NIFTY100, using the ARIMA model.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Forecasting stock market prices using mixed ARIMA model: a case study of Indian pharmaceutical companies, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, January 2021, LLC CPC Business Perspectives,
DOI: 10.21511/imfi.18(1).2021.04.
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