What is it about?

The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of simvastatin as a sole osteoinductive material on bone formation s.

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Why is it important?

This review is the first to evaluate the osteoinductive potentials of Simvastatin by eliminating the role that may be attributed to the various bone grafts that have been used with simvastatin as drug carrier.


This review showed that the safety and osteoinductive properties of simvastatin are directly affected by the used dose and carrier, thus further studies are needed in order to determine the ideal dose/carrier complex that maximize the osteoinductive capabilities and eliminate or minimize the associated inflammatory reaction.

Ayman Gouda
Cairo University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: SIMVASTATIN AS A SOLE OSTEOPROMOTIVE MATERIAL IN CRITICALLY SIZED BONE DEFECTS: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW., International Journal of Advanced Research, March 2017, International Journal Of Advanced Research,
DOI: 10.21474/ijar01/3543.
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