Serum Levels of Galectin-9 are Increased in Cervical Cancer Patients and are Higher in Advanced Clinical Stages
Tania Reyes-Vallejo, Ileana Conde-Rodríguez, Jocelyn Serna-Villalobos, Ivonne Ramírez-Díaz, Gabriela Pérez-Villalobos, Guadalupe Delgado-López, Víctor Javier Vazquez-Zamora, Claudia Teresita Gutiérrez-Quiroz, Laura Ávila-Jiménez, Alejandro García-Carrancá, Liliana Martínez-Acosta, Gerardo Santos-López, Julio Reyes-Leyva, Verónica Vallejo-Ruiz
OncoTargets and Therapy, October 2022, Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.2147/ott.s378933