What is it about?

Alcohol use disorders represent one of the leading causes of preventable death, illness, and injury in many societies throughout the world. Heavy alcohol consumption has multiple negative consequences for people with epilepsy such as precipitation of seizure, exacerbation of seizure, poor seizure control, increased side effects of antiepileptic drugs, noncompliance to antiepileptic drugs, alcohol withdrawal seizures, long-term hospital admission, status epilepticus, sudden unexpected death, and premature mortality.

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Why is it important?

this study was performed to determine prevalence of alcohol use disorders and associated factors among people with epilepsy attending Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital. Also, this study was intended to fill this gap, and the findings of this study help to give special attention for those patients with epilepsy and alcohol use disorder.


The findings of this study help to give special attention for those patients with epilepsy and alcohol use disorder.

Dr. Asres Bedaso Tilahune
University of Technology Sydney

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Prevalence of alcohol use disorders and associated factors among people with epilepsy attending Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 2016, Dove Medical Press,
DOI: 10.2147/ndt.s122296.
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