What is it about?

Carbon-14 dating has become an established methodology for dating of the age of Carbon in fossils. The hitherto conventional interpretation of Carbon-14 ages for fossils has been timing of life on earth of the corresponding living organism (man or animals). Veracity of this interpretation has, hitherto, been assumed, not formally and theoretically (that is, mathematically or scientifically) proven; hence, this study. This study develops a formal theoretical (mathematical, as such, scientific) that explores robustness of, hitherto, conventional interpretation of Carbon-14 ages. Refer to the time during which a living organism lived on earth as the 'true age' for the living organism. This study establishes that it inherently and normatively is true that Carbon-14 ages for fossils do not reveal true ages of corresponding living organisms. Relative to true ages, it is not only the case that Carbon-14 ages are not quantitatively robust, perhaps even more importantly, it is the case that they lack qualitative robustness. Absence of qualitative robustness is evident in the formally proven fact that, in presence of evidence that two men were born at the same time, but on different continents, Carbon-14 ages inherently will date the two men to have two different Carbon-14 ages.

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Why is it important?

Carbon-14 ages have become one of the most critical evidences that are applied to validation of evolution as a credible theory for origins of life. This study establishes that, it being inherently, and normatively true that Carbon-14 ages do not reveal true ages of living organisms, it simultaneously is inherently and normatively true that Carbon-14 ages do not shed light on how long exactly manlike forms have lived on earth. In presence of this implication, it inherently and normatively is true that, in their respective function as competing theories for origins of life, Carbon-14 ages do not provide any scientific validation for either of evolutionary theory or intentional design.


This study reconciles the following dichotomy, which exists between literature of history and/or archaeology on the one hand, and literature of Carbon-14 dating. In this respect, while the Mesopotamian civilization is on record as the earliest civilization, Carbon-14 dating produces the oldest Carbon-14 ages for fossils out of Africa. We arrive then at what seems to be a contradiction, namely, whereas history suggests man drifted from Asia to every other part of the world, Carbon-14 dating suggests man drifted from Africa to every other part of the world. Suppose two men are born at exactly the same time, one in Africa, the other in Mesopotamia. The formal theoretical model in this study establishes that, with Africa persisting in a 'hunter' or non-agrarian economy for long periods of time subsequent to emergence of civilization and a 'surplus generation focused' agrarian economy in Mesopotamia, that the fossil out of Africa always will date older than the fossil out of Mesopotamia. We arrive then at reconciliation of two seemingly dichotomous findings of scientists working in two different fields of endeavor.

Dr Oghenovo A Obrimah
Fisk University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Does Carbon-14 Dating Have Capacity for Dating of Timing of Existence of a Living Organism on Earth? Formal Axiomatic Evidence, SSRN Electronic Journal, January 2020, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3531710.
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