What is it about?
This paper reports about progress in two areas towards quantum computing architectures with elements inspired from biological controls, as proposed in an earlier paper. The first area is about exploiting mathematical results in coloured algebras, which, combined with the colouring of particle flows, would reduce the decoherence and enhance the decidability in the quantum processing elements; definitions are being recalled, with the required assumptions and results. The second area is to provide experimental results, and a patented biological feedback process in synapse , about light and acoustic excitations in a live animal species to enhance reactivity; the experimental set-up is characterized , the measurement results provided, and the implications are explicated for quantum processing elements approximating a synapse. A paragraph on open issues explains how the results in the two areas will be combined and will help in the design a very early compiler version.
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Why is it important?
The purpose of the present paper is to further validate two aspects of this biological inspired quantum processing architecture (Borza P.N. & Pau L.-F., 2016): 1) Coloured algebras formalize labelled initial symbols, groups, rings, and their various properties (especially commutativity or non-commutativity, and transitivity or non-transitivity) and operands; thus they allow to model the interactions inside functional blocks and at the same time classifying them by attribute ranges linked to energy levels. Thus, the coloured algebra maps the functional outcomes carried by qubits, when the quantum energies interact along the pathways; it is also in this paper shown that this linking has profound implications on ensuring decidability in the bio-inspired architecture, which was earlier an open issue; 2) Laboratory measurements on mice and rats about biological pathway processing; they deal with the nervous load due to intensity of excitation signals and allow to characterize the interactions along nervous pathways in neural synapses’ metabolism when they mimic quantum energy interactions. The ability to link the energy and information flow with the neural metabolism is covered by a patent by one of the authors (Restian A., Borza P. N., Daghie Mircea V., & Nicolau N. ,1985). The live reaction processes revealed by these experiments allow to shape the quantum block’s excitations when synapses are involved in the functional blocks. The implications for the modelling of the new architecture are thereafter summarized, and they are included in on-going realization focussed research.
While the research presented in this paper addresses two specific aspects of the proposed quantum computingarchitecture, it also allows to prioritize further research steps towards the architectural specification and realization. They represent short term open issues: 1) The biological processes often have been studied elsewhere and for some of them reference control models exist, which can be calibrated with the data obtained. Once this is done, and control models may eventually be refined, the simulation of the corresponding functional realizations car be initiated.With these functional realizations, flows of particles and their propagation paths can be estimated for later realization with quantum processing elements. To all such quantum processing elements and flows, the needed colouring schemes can be designed, which in turn help addressing decoherence inside each such quantum processing elements. 2) After the above steps, should be addressed the design of a compiler able to convert a suitable language into the execution in quantum computing on the basic quantum processing elements and the quantum functional realizations described in the previous subparagraph. The scientific challenge is here to cater for the state superpositions with very large simultaneous parallelization and execution. The first study would use only very few input- output related quantum processing elements and external interfaces, and very few biological inspired quantum functional realizations. 3) Prototyping would follow , blending on-chip ultrathin film elements, nonlinear crystals for excitation signals, and single photon detectors.
Professor Louis F Pau
CBS Group of Institutions
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Coloured Algebras and Biological Response in Quantum Biological Computing Architectures, SSRN Electronic Journal, January 2019, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3459694.
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