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A Comprehensive Review of Shilajatu (Black Bitumen or Mineral Pitch)

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Shilajatu (Black bitumen or mineral pitch), also called mineral pitch, is the result of a long process of breaking down plant matter and minerals. It is a sticky, black, tar-like substance that comes from rocks in high mountain ranges. Shilajatu is categorized as one among eight Maharasa (group of minerals) of Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. But its source of origin is still under controversy, many researchers claim that Shilajatu exuding from the rocks of mountains is basically derived from vegetative source. As per the classical texts like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hrudaya and other texts like Rasaratna Samuchaya, etc. Shilajatu is balya, vrushya (powerful aphrodiasiac), rasayana (rejuvenator), medhya, vajikara (aphrodiasiac), dehadadyakrut and indicated in many diseases like prameha (diabetes mellitus), pandu (anemia), shotha (edema), yakshma (tuberculosis), jwara (fever), agnimandya (loss of appetite), skin disorders. Although Shilajatu is mentioned under the heading of treatment of many diseases, but detailed description of Shilajatu is found in rasayana prakarana. In this heading its origin, variety, method of use, dose and duration are mentioned. Pathya- apathya during administration of Shilajatu along with its utility and therapeutic uses has been described. This review recollects the information related to Shilajatu from samhitas, samgraha granthas, nighantus and other texts.


Shilajatu (Black bitumen or mineral pitch), also called mineral pitch, is the result of a long process of breaking down plant matter and minerals. It is a sticky, black, tar-like substance that comes from rocks in high mountain ranges. Shilajatu is categorized as one among eight Maharasa (group of minerals) of Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. But its source of origin is still under controversy, many researchers claim that Shilajatu exuding from the rocks of mountains is basically derived from vegetative source. As per the classical texts like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hrudaya and other texts like Rasaratna Samuchaya, etc. Shilajatu is balya, vrushya (powerful aphrodiasiac), rasayana (rejuvenator), medhya, vajikara (aphrodiasiac), dehadadyakrut and indicated in many diseases like prameha (diabetes mellitus), pandu (anemia), shotha (edema), yakshma (tuberculosis), jwara (fever), agnimandya (loss of appetite), skin disorders. Although Shilajatu is mentioned under the heading of treatment of many diseases, but detailed description of Shilajatu is found in rasayana prakarana. In this heading its origin, variety, method of use, dose and duration are mentioned. Pathya- apathya during administration of Shilajatu along with its utility and therapeutic uses has been described. This review recollects the information related to Shilajatu from samhitas, samgraha granthas, nighantus and other texts.

Red Flower Publication Publications
Red Flower Publication Pvt Ltd

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This page is a summary of: A Comprehensive Review of Shilajatu (Black Bitumen or Mineral Pitch), Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga, March 2020, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ijamy.0974.6986.13120.5.
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