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A Study of Haemodynamic and Pharmacodynamic Effects of CisAtracurium and Vecuronium in Patients
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Aim: To study the haemodynamic and pharmacodynamic effects of cis-atracurium and vecuronium. Settings and Design: Prospective, Randomized, Parallel group, Double blind study Plan of Study: After institutional review board approval and informed written consent from patients, eighty patients undergoing laparoscopic appendicectomy were randomized into two groups. Group-C n=40 received loading dose of inj. Cis-atracurium 0.15mg/kg and maintenance doses of 0.03mg/kg while Group-V, n=40 received loading dose of inj. Vecuronium 0.10mg/kg and maintenance doses of 0.02mg/kg. As premedication Inj. Ondansetron, Glycopyrolate, Midazolam were administered followed by Inj. Propofol + Inj. Fentanyl + loading dose of assigned drug for induction & intubation of the patient. Maintenance of general anaesthesia was done with O 2+N2O (50:50), Sevoflurane inhalation, and intermittent doses of assigned muscle relaxant drug according to PNS. The observations as time of onset of action, intubation time, time interval between loading and first maintenance dose, time interval between maintenance doses, extubation time, total number of drug dosage requiredand haemodynamic parameters were noted. Statistical analysis: Data were analysed by using repeated measure ANOVA and by Manwitney U test. Results: Time of onset of action and intubation time in Group- V were significantly lower as compared to Group-C.Time interval between loading & first maintenance dose was comparatively higher in Group- C than Group- V. Time intervals between maintenance doses were comparable among both the groups. When compared with Group-V, extubation time was shorter in Group-C. Conclusion: Cis-atracurium had a longer time of onset of action, longer duration of action, hence less doses were required for maintenance of anaesthesia, faster recovery as compared to Vecuronium. Both drugs were haemodynamically stable.
Aim: To study the haemodynamic and pharmacodynamic effects of cis-atracurium and vecuronium. Settings and Design: Prospective, Randomized, Parallel group, Double blind study Plan of Study: After institutional review board approval and informed written consent from patients, eighty patients undergoing laparoscopic appendicectomy were randomized into two groups. Group-C n=40 received loading dose of inj. Cis-atracurium 0.15mg/kg and maintenance doses of 0.03mg/kg while Group-V, n=40 received loading dose of inj. Vecuronium 0.10mg/kg and maintenance doses of 0.02mg/kg. As premedication Inj. Ondansetron, Glycopyrolate, Midazolam were administered followed by Inj. Propofol + Inj. Fentanyl + loading dose of assigned drug for induction & intubation of the patient. Maintenance of general anaesthesia was done with O 2+N2O (50:50), Sevoflurane inhalation, and intermittent doses of assigned muscle relaxant drug according to PNS. The observations as time of onset of action, intubation time, time interval between loading and first maintenance dose, time interval between maintenance doses, extubation time, total number of drug dosage requiredand haemodynamic parameters were noted. Statistical analysis: Data were analysed by using repeated measure ANOVA and by Manwitney U test. Results: Time of onset of action and intubation time in Group- V were significantly lower as compared to Group-C.Time interval between loading & first maintenance dose was comparatively higher in Group- C than Group- V. Time intervals between maintenance doses were comparable among both the groups. When compared with Group-V, extubation time was shorter in Group-C. Conclusion: Cis-atracurium had a longer time of onset of action, longer duration of action, hence less doses were required for maintenance of anaesthesia, faster recovery as compared to Vecuronium. Both drugs were haemodynamically stable.
Red Flower Publication Publications
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This page is a summary of: A Study of Haemodynamic and Pharmacodynamic Effects of CisAtracurium and Vecuronium in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, June 2020, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ijaa.2349.8471.7320.27.
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