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Study of Neuromuscular Blocking Effects and Reversibility of Cisatracurium and Vecuronium
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Context: Cisatracurium is a cis isomer of parent compound atracurium, devoid of histamine release, thus possessing hemodynamic & cardiovascular stability. Aims: We compared the intubating conditions, hemodynamic stability & recovery of atracurium & vecuronium. Settings and Design: We carried out prospective, double blind randomized study after approval of ethical committee. 100 adult patients of ASA 1 & 2 with comparable demographic data were selected. Divided in Two Groups C (Cisatracurium) & V (Vecuronium). Standard monitoring was done & following routine premedication & induction agents, patients were intubated at 2 mins after administration of cisatracurium 0.15 mg/kg & vecuronium 0.1 mg/ kg respectively, maintained on intermittent dose of cisatracurium: 0.03 mg/kg & vecuronium: 0.02 mg/kg. Intubation conditions were assessed according to Time to 25% recovery of t1/tc following initial doses, Time to 25% recovery of t1/tc following repeated boluses, Time to 25% recovery of t1/tc following last dose, Return of t4/t1 ratio 0.8 spontaneous recovery at end of operation. Statistical analysis used: The results were evaluated by applying paired t-test and p - value using SPSS Statistical Software. Results: Intubating conditions at 2 mins following administration appeared satisfactory & laryngoscopy condition was good in 98% in Group C & 97% in Group V, Time taken for 25% recovery following First Dose & Subsequent Doses was longer for Group C than Group V. Time taken to 25% recovery of t1/tc following Last Dose was shorter in Group C patients as compared to Group V, duration of action of Group C was longer than Group V, both demonstrated equal hemodynamic & cardiovascular effect. Conclusions: Cisatracurium is intermediate onset nondepolarizing muscle relaxant devoid of histamine release with longer duration of action & faster recovery.
Context: Cisatracurium is a cis isomer of parent compound atracurium, devoid of histamine release, thus possessing hemodynamic & cardiovascular stability. Aims: We compared the intubating conditions, hemodynamic stability & recovery of atracurium & vecuronium. Settings and Design: We carried out prospective, double blind randomized study after approval of ethical committee. 100 adult patients of ASA 1 & 2 with comparable demographic data were selected. Divided in Two Groups C (Cisatracurium) & V (Vecuronium). Standard monitoring was done & following routine premedication & induction agents, patients were intubated at 2 mins after administration of cisatracurium 0.15 mg/kg & vecuronium 0.1 mg/ kg respectively, maintained on intermittent dose of cisatracurium: 0.03 mg/kg & vecuronium: 0.02 mg/kg. Intubation conditions were assessed according to Time to 25% recovery of t1/tc following initial doses, Time to 25% recovery of t1/tc following repeated boluses, Time to 25% recovery of t1/tc following last dose, Return of t4/t1 ratio 0.8 spontaneous recovery at end of operation. Statistical analysis used: The results were evaluated by applying paired t-test and p - value using SPSS Statistical Software. Results: Intubating conditions at 2 mins following administration appeared satisfactory & laryngoscopy condition was good in 98% in Group C & 97% in Group V, Time taken for 25% recovery following First Dose & Subsequent Doses was longer for Group C than Group V. Time taken to 25% recovery of t1/tc following Last Dose was shorter in Group C patients as compared to Group V, duration of action of Group C was longer than Group V, both demonstrated equal hemodynamic & cardiovascular effect. Conclusions: Cisatracurium is intermediate onset nondepolarizing muscle relaxant devoid of histamine release with longer duration of action & faster recovery.
Red Flower Publication Publications
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Read the Original
This page is a summary of: A Comparative Study of Neuromuscular Blocking Effects and Reversibility of Cisatracurium and Vecuronium, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, January 2020, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ijaa.2349.8471.7120.9.
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