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Better Adjuvant than Clonidine, with Ropivacaine in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block
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Regional anesthesia has some advantages over general anesthesia such as it can be used in outpatient anesthesia, for patients with full stomach, for diabetic patients, associated cardiac, pulmonary, hepatic or renal damage and poly-trauma. Alpha-2 agonists added to local anaesthetic drugs increases the duration of painless period during and after surgery. Here we elicit the clinical Performance of this two drugs dexmedetomidine and clonidine as an additive agent to local anaesthetics like ropivacaine in blocking the brachial plexus by supraclavicular method. The clinical parameters we study here are onset, duration of Duration of blockade (both S and M) and analgesia time and hemodynamic stability. Material and Methods: Prospective study was done on patients undergoing upper arm surgeries under brachial block were split into two equivalent groups. D-group received 0.375% ropivacaine (30 ml) plus one mcg/kg dexmedetomidine, C- group received 0.375% ropivacaine (30 ml) plus one mcg/kg clonidine. Results: Statistical analysis shows significant difference in onset of sensory (S) and motor (M) blockade, highly significance in duration of sensory and motor blockade between D and C groups (p=0.0001). High Statistical significance was seen analgesia duration (p=0.0001) and number of rescue analgesics used (p=0.0001) among D and C groups. Conclusion: Dexmedetomidine has more additive benefits than clonidine when combined with ropivacaine by making the onset of clinical effect earlier, prolonging the blockade extent (both S and M) and painless period during post surgery with fewer requirements of rescue analgesics after arm, forearm and hand surgeries.
Regional anesthesia has some advantages over general anesthesia such as it can be used in outpatient anesthesia, for patients with full stomach, for diabetic patients, associated cardiac, pulmonary, hepatic or renal damage and poly-trauma. Alpha-2 agonists added to local anaesthetic drugs increases the duration of painless period during and after surgery. Here we elicit the clinical Performance of this two drugs dexmedetomidine and clonidine as an additive agent to local anaesthetics like ropivacaine in blocking the brachial plexus by supraclavicular method. The clinical parameters we study here are onset, duration of Duration of blockade (both S and M) and analgesia time and hemodynamic stability. Material and Methods: Prospective study was done on patients undergoing upper arm surgeries under brachial block were split into two equivalent groups. D-group received 0.375% ropivacaine (30 ml) plus one mcg/kg dexmedetomidine, C- group received 0.375% ropivacaine (30 ml) plus one mcg/kg clonidine. Results: Statistical analysis shows significant difference in onset of sensory (S) and motor (M) blockade, highly significance in duration of sensory and motor blockade between D and C groups (p=0.0001). High Statistical significance was seen analgesia duration (p=0.0001) and number of rescue analgesics used (p=0.0001) among D and C groups. Conclusion: Dexmedetomidine has more additive benefits than clonidine when combined with ropivacaine by making the onset of clinical effect earlier, prolonging the blockade extent (both S and M) and painless period during post surgery with fewer requirements of rescue analgesics after arm, forearm and hand surgeries.
Red Flower Publication Publications
Red Flower Publication Pvt Ltd
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This page is a summary of: Dexmedetomidine is a Better Adjuvant than Clonidine, with Ropivacaine in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, January 2019, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ijaa.2349.8471.6419.39.
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