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Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure Monitoring Prospective Double Blind Randomised Control Study
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Background: Endotracheal intubation by William McEwan in1878 remained the foundation stone of modern anesthesia. After successful use of laryngoscope and demonstration of laryngoscopy technique by Chevalier Jackson in 1913, endotracheal intubation achieved many milestones but it is not without complication. Following tracheal intubation, surgery, post-extubation there is an association of laryngotracheal morbidities such as a sore throat and hoarseness of voice [3,4] even in short duration of surgeries. objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of perioperative cuff pressure monitoring in decreasing the incidence of a postoperative sore throat and hoarseness of voice after oro-tracheal general anesthesia. Materials and Methods: We conducted this study as a double-blind randomized control trial in sixty patients who met the study criteria and underwent endotracheal general anesthesia in Karpaga Vinayga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Institute. Totally sixty patients, each group has thirty patients. Group A - Study group (those who underwent cuff pressure monitoring) Group B - Control group. Results: The incidence of a sore throat and hoarseness of voice were present in both groups. The percentage of above two sequelae were found appreciably lower in Group A compared to roup B. Conclusion: Patients undergoing general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation show significantly reduced the relative risk of developing post-operative sore throat and hoarseness of voice when endotracheal tube cuff pressure monitoring is done.
Background: Endotracheal intubation by William McEwan in1878 remained the foundation stone of modern anesthesia. After successful use of laryngoscope and demonstration of laryngoscopy technique by Chevalier Jackson in 1913, endotracheal intubation achieved many milestones but it is not without complication. Following tracheal intubation, surgery, post-extubation there is an association of laryngotracheal morbidities such as a sore throat and hoarseness of voice [3,4] even in short duration of surgeries. objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of perioperative cuff pressure monitoring in decreasing the incidence of a postoperative sore throat and hoarseness of voice after oro-tracheal general anesthesia. Materials and Methods: We conducted this study as a double-blind randomized control trial in sixty patients who met the study criteria and underwent endotracheal general anesthesia in Karpaga Vinayga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Institute. Totally sixty patients, each group has thirty patients. Group A - Study group (those who underwent cuff pressure monitoring) Group B - Control group. Results: The incidence of a sore throat and hoarseness of voice were present in both groups. The percentage of above two sequelae were found appreciably lower in Group A compared to roup B. Conclusion: Patients undergoing general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation show significantly reduced the relative risk of developing post-operative sore throat and hoarseness of voice when endotracheal tube cuff pressure monitoring is done.
Red Flower Publication Publications
Red Flower Publication Pvt Ltd
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This page is a summary of: Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure Monitoring Prospective Double Blind Randomised Control Study, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, January 2018, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ijaa.2349.8471.5718.10.
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