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Blood Pressure and Pulse Changes after Injection of Local Anesthesia and Adrenaline in Oral Surgical

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Introduction: Lignocaine with adrenaline is used in oral surgical procedures widely. Catecholamines have a significant role in increasing haemodyanmic parameters like blood pressure, blood glucose level and pulse rate. In this sudy we study the effect of lignocaine with adrenaline on blood pressure and pulse rate. Material and Methods: A comparative double blind study was designed on 40 healthy males and females who needed extraction of tooth. In 20 patients only lignocaine was used and in other 20 subjects lignocaine was added with adrenaline. The changes in blood pressure were recorded after injection in the both the groups. Results: There was increase in variables like mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate in patients where adrenaline was used with lignocaine where as there was decrease in the same variables in the patients in whom only lignocaine was used. However, the results weren’t stastically significant. Conclusion: There is change in heamodyanmic variables in patients in whom lignocaine with adrenaline was used; however the use of adrenaline doesn’t bring any significant change in studied variables.


Introduction: Lignocaine with adrenaline is used in oral surgical procedures widely. Catecholamines have a significant role in increasing haemodyanmic parameters like blood pressure, blood glucose level and pulse rate. In this sudy we study the effect of lignocaine with adrenaline on blood pressure and pulse rate. Material and Methods: A comparative double blind study was designed on 40 healthy males and females who needed extraction of tooth. In 20 patients only lignocaine was used and in other 20 subjects lignocaine was added with adrenaline. The changes in blood pressure were recorded after injection in the both the groups. Results: There was increase in variables like mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate in patients where adrenaline was used with lignocaine where as there was decrease in the same variables in the patients in whom only lignocaine was used. However, the results weren’t stastically significant. Conclusion: There is change in heamodyanmic variables in patients in whom lignocaine with adrenaline was used; however the use of adrenaline doesn’t bring any significant change in studied variables.

Red Flower Publication Publications
Red Flower Publication Pvt Ltd

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This page is a summary of: Blood Pressure and Pulse Changes after Injection of Local Anesthesia and Adrenaline in Oral Surgical Procedures, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, January 2018, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ijaa.2349.8471.5118.12.
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