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A Study on the Morphometric Measurements of Pterion and Its Importance in Surgical Approach
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Aneurysms, tumours, meningiomas andextradural haemorrhage are the most commonalarming neurological problems in the present era. These may have pathological cause and sudden strokeor fractures either by fall from a height accidentally,road traffic accidents proper or suicidal attempts leading to any of these above mentioned conditions primarily or secondarily. Aim and Objectives Aim of The Study: This study is therefore aimedat determining the position of Pterion at variouspalpable points with relation, types of Pterion with relation to middle meningeal artery and brain. Objectives of The Study: To achieve the above aim,the work is planned by the following objectives –1. To analyze type of Pterion based on Murphyclassification.Murphy’s classification includes 4 types Pterion namely, A) Spheno-parietal type: Greater wing of sphenoid articulates with the parietal bone to form the letter ‘H’. B) Frontotemporal type: Squamous part of the temporal bone articulates with the frontal bone. C) Stellate type: Here all bones (frontal, temporal, greater wing of sphenoid and parietal) articulates at a point in the form of letter ‘k’. D) Epipteric type: A sutural bone is lodged between the four bones forming the Pterion. 2. To analyze comparision of Pterion on both sides of a same skull. To measure length of Pterionic suture.To measure the distance from centre of Pterion tocentre of zygomatic arch. To measure the distancefrom centre of Pterion to posterolateral margin of frontozygomatic suture. To measure distance fromcentre of Pterion’s inner aspect to lateral end ofcrest of ridge on the lesser wing of sphenoid bone.To measure distance from centre of Pterion’s inner aspect to lateral margin of optic canal.To measuredistance from centre of Pterion to lower end ofmastoid process. Material And Methods: 100 adult human dry skullsof known sex, collected from the department ofanatomy, Narayana medical college, Nellore and S.Vmedical college, Tirupathi.This was an observational study. Observation and Results: In the present studyvarious types of pterions were observed as shownin pie diagram. 100 adult dry skulls were examined.Sphenoparietal (92%), Frontotemporal (3%), Stellate (2%) and Epipteric (3%). The results of remaining parameters are tabulated and photographed. Conclusion: Knowledge of the location andrelations of Pterion is important in relation to surgicalintervention, particularly with respect to course ofthe branches of middle meningeal artery and Broca’s motor speech area on the left side. The distancesbetween the Pterion, lesser wing of sphenoid ridgeand optic canal are of practical importance in surgicalapproaches to these regions via Pterion.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: A Study on the Morphometric Measurements of Pterion and Its Importance in Surgical Approach, Indian Journal of Anatomy, July 2020, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ija.2320.0022.9320.5.
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