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A Study of Vermiform Appendix and Its Various Position in Adults

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Introduction: Aim of our present study was to observe variations of position of vermiform appendix in local population primarily in adults. Totally 50 adult cadavers were dissected during last 5 years for under graduates in the Department of Anatomy, Khaja Banda Nawaz institute of medical sciences, Kalaburagi, Karnataka. Length and breadth, extent of mesoappendix, position of appendix and arterial supply of appendix were studied. In our study most common position was retrocecal, least common was preileal and postileal position. Retrocecal position was seen in 66%, pelvic position was in 26%, subcecal in 4%, preileal 2%, postileal 2% and paracecal position was not observed in any cadaver. In males average length of appendix was 77.20 mm, breadth was 12.42 mm, where as in females length was 69.33 mm, breadth was 10.80 mm. In 34% cases mesoappendix extended up till tip and in 66% cases mesoappendix failed to reach the tip of appendix. In 70% cases single appendicular artery was observed and in 30% cases two appendicular arteries were present. Morphological and positional variations of vermiform appendix is a very important information, to be remembered before planning orduring any surgical procedures to prevent postoperative complications. Materials and Methods: The present study is of 50 adult vermiform appendix obtained from Department of Anatomy, Khaja Banda Nawaz Institute Medical Sciences, Kalaburagi, Karnataka. The vermiform appendix was observed in cadavers after routine dissection. Results: In 35 adult male specimens the length of appendix ranged from 30 mm–120 mm with an average being 77.2 mm. Breadth of the appendix at the base ranged from 7 mm–22 mm with an average being 12.42 mm. Mesoappendix in 17 adults specimens (34%) extended upto the tip and in 33 adults specimens (66%) the mesoappendix failed to reach the tip In 35 (70%), adult cadavers single appendicular artery was observed and in 15 (30%), cadavers double appendicular arteries were observed. Conclusion: High incidence of retrocecal position and incomplete mesoappendix in our population explains that - diagnosis of acute appendicitis is difficult. A clear cut picture of size, shape and position of appendix is very important to diagnose, based on only clinical presentation of a patient with appendicitis. The area of tenderness in appendicitis will depend upon the position of the appendix, length, part of the appendix with inflammation, direction of the appendix.


Introduction: Aim of our present study was to observe variations of position of vermiform appendix in local population primarily in adults. Totally 50 adult cadavers were dissected during last 5 years for under graduates in the Department of Anatomy, Khaja Banda Nawaz institute of medical sciences, Kalaburagi, Karnataka. Length and breadth, extent of mesoappendix, position of appendix and arterial supply of appendix were studied. In our study most common position was retrocecal, least common was preileal and postileal position. Retrocecal position was seen in 66%, pelvic position was in 26%, subcecal in 4%, preileal 2%, postileal 2% and paracecal position was not observed in any cadaver. In males average length of appendix was 77.20 mm, breadth was 12.42 mm, where as in females length was 69.33 mm, breadth was 10.80 mm. In 34% cases mesoappendix extended up till tip and in 66% cases mesoappendix failed to reach the tip of appendix. In 70% cases single appendicular artery was observed and in 30% cases two appendicular arteries were present. Morphological and positional variations of vermiform appendix is a very important information, to be remembered before planning orduring any surgical procedures to prevent postoperative complications. Materials and Methods: The present study is of 50 adult vermiform appendix obtained from Department of Anatomy, Khaja Banda Nawaz Institute Medical Sciences, Kalaburagi, Karnataka. The vermiform appendix was observed in cadavers after routine dissection. Results: In 35 adult male specimens the length of appendix ranged from 30 mm–120 mm with an average being 77.2 mm. Breadth of the appendix at the base ranged from 7 mm–22 mm with an average being 12.42 mm. Mesoappendix in 17 adults specimens (34%) extended upto the tip and in 33 adults specimens (66%) the mesoappendix failed to reach the tip In 35 (70%), adult cadavers single appendicular artery was observed and in 15 (30%), cadavers double appendicular arteries were observed. Conclusion: High incidence of retrocecal position and incomplete mesoappendix in our population explains that - diagnosis of acute appendicitis is difficult. A clear cut picture of size, shape and position of appendix is very important to diagnose, based on only clinical presentation of a patient with appendicitis. The area of tenderness in appendicitis will depend upon the position of the appendix, length, part of the appendix with inflammation, direction of the appendix.

Red Flower Publication Publications
Red Flower Publication Pvt Ltd

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This page is a summary of: A Study of Vermiform Appendix and Its Various Position in Adults, Indian Journal of Anatomy, January 2020, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ija.2320.0022.9120.10.
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