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Morphology and Morphometric Study of Mastoid Process in Human Dry Skulls with Clinical Implications
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Aim: To evaluate morphometric measurements of mastoid process in temporal bone and to determine their bilateral differences. Introduction: Mastoid process is conical projection of mastoid part of temporal bone. It is situated behind external acoustic meatus and is connected with occipital and parietal bone by occipito-mastoid and parieto-mastoid sutures. The junction of these sutures with lambdoid meet at asterion, which coincides with postero-lateral fontanelle. The external surface is rough and inner surface presents a notch and a groove. It presents mastoid foramen which transmits emissary veins. Methods: One hundred South Indian dry skulls of unknown sex and age were studied from the bone collection available at Anatomy department. The parameters of mastoid process like Shape, Breadth, Height, Surface area and Volume were determined. The absence of mastoid foramen was also noted. Results: We observed mainly 4 types of shapes of mastoid process in our study. Ovoid, Globular, Conical and Bifid. Ovoid shaped process in most cases and Bifid shape is seen least in our study. Breadth and Height of mastoid process are more on the right side when compared to left side. Surface area in cms and Volume was in cubic cm also showed to be slightly more on the right side. All the parameters showed right sided dominance. Mastoid foramina were absent in 6 mastoid process. 3 on left side and 3 on right side.
Aim: To evaluate morphometric measurements of mastoid process in temporal bone and to determine their bilateral differences. Introduction: Mastoid process is conical projection of mastoid part of temporal bone. It is situated behind external acoustic meatus and is connected with occipital and parietal bone by occipito-mastoid and parieto-mastoid sutures. The junction of these sutures with lambdoid meet at asterion, which coincides with postero-lateral fontanelle. The external surface is rough and inner surface presents a notch and a groove. It presents mastoid foramen which transmits emissary veins. Methods: One hundred South Indian dry skulls of unknown sex and age were studied from the bone collection available at Anatomy department. The parameters of mastoid process like Shape, Breadth, Height, Surface area and Volume were determined. The absence of mastoid foramen was also noted. Results: We observed mainly 4 types of shapes of mastoid process in our study. Ovoid, Globular, Conical and Bifid. Ovoid shaped process in most cases and Bifid shape is seen least in our study. Breadth and Height of mastoid process are more on the right side when compared to left side. Surface area in cms and Volume was in cubic cm also showed to be slightly more on the right side. All the parameters showed right sided dominance. Mastoid foramina were absent in 6 mastoid process. 3 on left side and 3 on right side.
Red Flower Publication Publications
Red Flower Publication Pvt Ltd
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This page is a summary of: Morphology and Morphometric Study of Mastoid Process in Human Dry Skulls with its Clinical Implications, Indian Journal of Anatomy, January 2019, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ija.2320.0022.8119.7.
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