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Occipital Condyles and Suboccipital Muscles in Human Dry Skulls and its Clinical Significance
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Introduction: The base of the human skull presents Occipital condyle which articulates with the atlas vertebra forming AtlantaOccipital joint. Keeping the head in inclined posture to engage in actions may play major role in architecture of facet. Maintenance of a particular posture demands more activity from muscles concerned. In this context the role of muscles in terms of traction to maintain a desired posture cannot be ruled out. More anatomical facts on the condyle facets will play an additional boon for the day to day surgeries. Materials & Methods: One hundred adult South Indian skulls were examined using the scale, divider and the transparent centimeter reticule in the present study. The shape, size, the anteriorposterior diameter (length) and transverse diameter (width), surface area of occipital condyles on both sides were estimated. The location and number of extra facets were also noted. The surface area of suboccipital muscles were measured in search of the functional relation. Results: Mean anteroposterior (length) and transverse diameter(width) of occipital condyles were 2.12cm & 1.1 cm on right side and 2.2 cm & 1.2 cm on left respectively. Mean Surface areas of the facet were 1.76 square centimeter (sq cm) on right and 1.9 sq cm on left which was significant. 22 extra facets were present maximally on the posteromedial aspect of the left occipital condyles. Its mean anteroposterior and transverse diameter were 0.52cm & 0.44 cm on right side and 0.45 cm &0.36 cm on left respectively. Mean surface areas (sq cm) of suboccipital muscles rectus capitis minor, rectus Capitis major and Obliquus Capitis Superior were 4.9, 5.05 and 10.56 on left side and 4.96,5.37 and 10.82 on right side respectively. Statistically the valued proved to be significant. Conclusion: The present study provides anatomical knowledge on the measurements of the occipital condyles serves as a guide in various head and neck procedures for the Neurosurgeons and the Orthopaedicians. The incidence of the facets and the measurements of impressions of the suboccipital muscles on the occipital bone mentions the tilting posture of the humans on one side.
Introduction: The base of the human skull presents Occipital condyle which articulates with the atlas vertebra forming AtlantaOccipital joint. Keeping the head in inclined posture to engage in actions may play major role in architecture of facet. Maintenance of a particular posture demands more activity from muscles concerned. In this context the role of muscles in terms of traction to maintain a desired posture cannot be ruled out. More anatomical facts on the condyle facets will play an additional boon for the day to day surgeries. Materials & Methods: One hundred adult South Indian skulls were examined using the scale, divider and the transparent centimeter reticule in the present study. The shape, size, the anteriorposterior diameter (length) and transverse diameter (width), surface area of occipital condyles on both sides were estimated. The location and number of extra facets were also noted. The surface area of suboccipital muscles were measured in search of the functional relation. Results: Mean anteroposterior (length) and transverse diameter(width) of occipital condyles were 2.12cm & 1.1 cm on right side and 2.2 cm & 1.2 cm on left respectively. Mean Surface areas of the facet were 1.76 square centimeter (sq cm) on right and 1.9 sq cm on left which was significant. 22 extra facets were present maximally on the posteromedial aspect of the left occipital condyles. Its mean anteroposterior and transverse diameter were 0.52cm & 0.44 cm on right side and 0.45 cm &0.36 cm on left respectively. Mean surface areas (sq cm) of suboccipital muscles rectus capitis minor, rectus Capitis major and Obliquus Capitis Superior were 4.9, 5.05 and 10.56 on left side and 4.96,5.37 and 10.82 on right side respectively. Statistically the valued proved to be significant. Conclusion: The present study provides anatomical knowledge on the measurements of the occipital condyles serves as a guide in various head and neck procedures for the Neurosurgeons and the Orthopaedicians. The incidence of the facets and the measurements of impressions of the suboccipital muscles on the occipital bone mentions the tilting posture of the humans on one side.
Red Flower Publication Publications
Red Flower Publication Pvt Ltd
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: A Study on the Morphometry of Occipital Condyles and Suboccipital Muscles in Human Dry Skulls and its Clinical Significance, Indian Journal of Anatomy, January 2018, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ija.2320.0022.7518.7.
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