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Accessory Renal Arteries: A Cadaveric Study of 144 Kidneys
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Background: Accessory renal arteries are one of the most commonly seen variation of renal arteries. Hilar, upper polar and lower polar are the types of accessory renal arteries seen. Aim: To find the incidence of various types of accessory renal arteries in maharashtrian population. Methods: 144 kidneys are studied for variations in renal arteries like source of origin and number. Results: 17 kidneys (11.8%) show presence of accessory renal arteries. Maximum 10 (6.94%) kidneys show lower polar accessory renl arteries. 100% aortic origin for renal arteries is noted. Conclusion: Knowledge of variations like accessory renal arteries are very important for surgeons and radiologists during radiological examination before ureteropelvic procedures and renal transplants.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Accessory Renal Arteries: A Cadaveric Study of 144 Kidneys, Indian Journal of Anatomy, January 2018, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ija.2320.0022.7418.5.
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