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Residents of Kerala and Estimation of Height from Hand Length using Regression Equation
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Introduction: Height is one of the important factor serving as a parameter for personal identification. In natural calamities or mass explosions or fights where body parts are available it becomes important to know factors which can help in the identification of the individuals. There are several factors like race, ethnicity, nutritional status that influence the growth and development of the individual so there should be different methods and ways to be applied for identification for different population [1]. When only the segments of the bodies are available to determine the height from them becomes important to a forensic personal for identification and analysis. So estimating the height of the individual from the different body remains is utmost important as it provides this forensic anthropological value [2,3]. In this study the correlation of the height with hand length is done in thestudents and some volunteers in Kerala in the age group of 18 to 25. Aim: To study the correlation between hand length and height and to derive the equation for calculating the height from the hand length. Methodology: The study was conducted by taking 133 comprising of 73 girls and 60 boys ranging in the age group of 18-25 years. The medical students of first year and second year M.B.B.S were selected for the study. The subjects who were apparently normal with no obvious musculoskeletal deformities were included in the study. The height and hand length measurements were taken. The parameters were then analyzed and correlation study was done and statistical significance was studied. The regression equation is calculated for the height. Results: The study showed that was significant correlation between right hand length and height. Pearson’s correlation analysis was used and it showed a positive correlation between hand length and height. Regression equation was derived using S.P.S.S. software to calculate the height of the individual from hand length Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between hand length and height. It is sought as the height and hand length is directly proportional. The height is nearly nine times the length of the hand.
Introduction: Height is one of the important factor serving as a parameter for personal identification. In natural calamities or mass explosions or fights where body parts are available it becomes important to know factors which can help in the identification of the individuals. There are several factors like race, ethnicity, nutritional status that influence the growth and development of the individual so there should be different methods and ways to be applied for identification for different population [1]. When only the segments of the bodies are available to determine the height from them becomes important to a forensic personal for identification and analysis. So estimating the height of the individual from the different body remains is utmost important as it provides this forensic anthropological value [2,3]. In this study the correlation of the height with hand length is done in thestudents and some volunteers in Kerala in the age group of 18 to 25. Aim: To study the correlation between hand length and height and to derive the equation for calculating the height from the hand length. Methodology: The study was conducted by taking 133 comprising of 73 girls and 60 boys ranging in the age group of 18-25 years. The medical students of first year and second year M.B.B.S were selected for the study. The subjects who were apparently normal with no obvious musculoskeletal deformities were included in the study. The height and hand length measurements were taken. The parameters were then analyzed and correlation study was done and statistical significance was studied. The regression equation is calculated for the height. Results: The study showed that was significant correlation between right hand length and height. Pearson’s correlation analysis was used and it showed a positive correlation between hand length and height. Regression equation was derived using S.P.S.S. software to calculate the height of the individual from hand length Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between hand length and height. It is sought as the height and hand length is directly proportional. The height is nearly nine times the length of the hand.
Red Flower Publication Publications
Red Flower Publication Pvt Ltd
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Correlation of Hand Length and Height in the Residents of Kerala and Estimation of Height from Hand Length using Regression Equation, Indian Journal of Anatomy, January 2018, Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.21088/ija.2320.0022.7318.13.
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