What is it about?

Working in intersector collaborations brings tensions with the different ideologies of academy and industry under mode 2. One way these tensions surface is where prototyping and process are about critical argument not just commercial outcomes. This paper discussed this in the context of a CRC.

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Why is it important?

This tension is common


Reports on work undertaken over 4 years in which I was a CI (Chief Investigator)

Associate Professor Gavin B Melles
Technische Universitat Dresden

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Co-design in the Context of Collaborative Research Centre Projects: Homeowner DIY Renovation Design Fictions , The International Journal of Architectonic Spatial and Environmental Design, January 2018, Common Ground Publishing,
DOI: 10.18848/2325-1662/cgp/v12i01/11-26.
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