What is it about?

This is a prospective cohort study with an annual follow-up. The data contained in this survey contains all two gendered marriages in Norway for 128 years (1886 to 2013, N > 2.7 million marriages). The article presents different measures of divorce, discusses the use of them, presents the developments of divorce in detail and assesses possible impact factors such as legislation and an increase in the proportion of cohabitation.

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Why is it important?

Common knowledge is that most marriages end in divorce, but that is not the fact, at least not in Norway. To correct common knowledge with the facts is of importance.


Every now and then my eyes are caught by the frontpage of a newspaper informing me that at least half of all marriages end by divorce. Since not half of my friends are divorced, I was thinking is that really true? I was, therefore, inspired to dig into the data and investigate what the register data has to tell. I found that it was less than half of the couples that ended in divorce and that the proportion that chose to divorce, in fact, had been declining for about ten years after a long period of increase.

Rune Zahl-Olsen
Sorlandet Hospital

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Går annethvert ekteskap i oppløsning?, Fokus på familien, March 2018, Scandinavian University Press / Universitetsforlaget AS,
DOI: 10.18261/issn.0807-7487-2018-01-06.
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