What is it about?
This work studied pre-service teachers' (or trainee teachers) beliefs about family-school relationships. We run a quasi-experimental design in which we compared the ideas of pre-service infant teachers (or pre-service preschool teachers) and pre-service primary school teachers before pre-service preschool teachers were trained to develop skills to collaborate with families (experimental group, EG). Primary pre-service teachers did not receive any training (control group, CG). After the training, we measured their ideas and identified changes in the pre-service preschool teachers group. Students in the CG kept their beliefs unchanged, which were significantly more prone to support teachers’ authority and parental subordination and parents’ carelessness compared to the EG.. Perceived competence for family-school relationship did not change significantly in either group. However, significant correlations between beliefs and perceived competence were found.
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Why is it important?
This work addressed a topic that is not addressed often: which are pre-service teachers beliefs about family-school relationships? Most pre-service or trainee teachers are informed about the importance of building a collaborative relationship with parents but we should first analyze what they think about relationships with families, their role and position towards families. This work shows that training can change pre-service teachers' beliefs and this may be regarded a first step for a more collaborative relationship with families.
This work raises concern about the importance of addressing pre-service teachers' beliefs about family-school relationships and, also, about the importance of training, so future teachers develop skills to collaborate with families. I hope that this work may inspire other people interested in pre-service or trainee teacher's beliefs and others interested in the field of family-school relationships.
Dr. Silvia López-Larrosa
Universidade da Coruna
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Creencias sobre la relación familia-escuela. Cambios en el futuro profesorado tras recibir formación específica || Beliefs about family-school relationships. Changes in pre-service teachers after receiving specific training, Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, December 2014, Universidade da Coruna,
DOI: 10.17979/reipe.2014.1.2.35.
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