What is it about?

The main aim of this study is to design an interactive WebGIS system in which people could simply produce and observe their favorite maps of different cancers and environmental parameters. They can use this tools to produce their personalized maps and explore various aspects of the cancer.

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Why is it important?

Development of WebGIS tools and increased cooperation of people in terms of inserting the spatial labels on the map to report a disease or using their views about reasons of occurring a specific cancer in a specific region may cause turning the process of mono-direction flow of information to users to a bi-directional flow of information. As a result, cancer specialists could use the knowledge of local people and residents of different regions of the country to better analyze the situation of various kinds of cancers.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Developing a WebGIS for Geo-Visualization of Cancer, Iranian Journal of Cancer Prevention, April 2016, Kowsar Medical Institute,
DOI: 10.17795/ijcp-3910.
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