What is it about?

A clay liner stays in the ground for a long time during service. It undergoes fluctuations in acidity from being alkaline to being acidic and vice versa. We have found that the sawdust can function as stabilizer and help the clay treat its lead contaminant over a long period of time.

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Why is it important?

It is so easy and cheap to treat a clay liner using sawdust. And yet the benefit is huge and the treatment can last over a long period of time.


This work basically has been carried out by Parsa Mohajeri, a former student of mine who has spent about a year and a half at University Sains Malaysia. I think this article will be referred to by many researchers in the future as it deals with an environmental problem common to many communities around the world.

Mohamad Selamat
Universiti Sains Malaysia

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Geoenvironmental behaviour of lead-contaminated clay with sawdust, Environmental Geotechnics, May 2018, ICE Publishing,
DOI: 10.1680/jenge.16.00030.
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