What is it about?
Energy has become an important sector in the ‘Omani Vision 2020’ strategy. Renewable energy sources can form a vital and strategic solution for the provision of electric power in the Sultanate. This paper provides a comprehensive review of Oman’s conventional and renewable energy resources (wind and solar). Although Oman is not currently utilizing its renewable energy resources, this study reveals that renewable energy resources, such as wind and solar energy, have enough potential to be directly utilized for electricity generation.
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Why is it important?
Energy is essential for economic and social development and improved quality of life in all countries. Much of the world’s energy, however, is currently produced and consumed in ways that cannot be sustained if technology were to remain constant and if overall demand for energy were to increase substantially. The need to control atmospheric emissions of greenhouse and other gases and substances will increasingly need to be based on efficiency in energy production, transmission, distribution and consumption.Oman’s economy is heavily reliant on oil and gas revenues that accounted for about 84% in 2014 of the country’s export earnings and 47·2% of its gross domestic product. Emirates has considered nuclear and renewable energy as part of their electricity generation. Qatar aims to generate 20% of its energy from renewable resources by 2024, including 1800 MW of green energy. In Oman, the progress of renewable energy development is at a slow pace as electricity generation is currently still dependent on oil and gas. The ‘Omani Vision 2020’ strategy seeks to reduce dependence on oil, diversify the economy and create new employment opportunities for all citizens. Omani Vision 2020 also stresses the promotion of technology transfer and the increased use of natural and renewable resources, with due regard to the social and natural environment. It is therefore necessary that all renewable energy resources in Oman is to be explored and utilized.
There is a great opportunity for Oman to utilize renewable energy for commercial advantage as solar and wind energy, in particular, can achieve more competitive costs. The effective use of these energy resources would require the development of a suitable skill base and provide the opportunity to develop a local level of manufacturing, each involving an increase in the level of skilled employment. It would contribute to the extension and diversification of both the economy and energy sources. It would be in line with the objectives of Oman Vision 2020. It would also help Oman establish a world position in this energy sector by providing a professional demonstration and monitoring capability for technology providers, as well as helping to carry forward the development of relevant technologies. Dust and sandstorms may affect the efficiencies and output of solar PV. The issues of storage and distribution are some of the challenges that need to be addressed to find suitable solutions for effective use of wind and solar energy in Oman.
Dr. Tariq Umar
Kingston University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Briefing: Conventional, wind and solar energy resources in Oman, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Energy, November 2016, ICE Publishing,
DOI: 10.1680/jener.16.00011.
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