What is it about?
At the tectonic northeast margin of the Euganean Hills (Padova, Italy) each year 17 millions of cubic metres of thermal water with temperatures in the range of 60° to 86°C are exploited. Integrating hydrogeological, geochemical and structural data a conceptual model of the geothermal system is presented. The model is validated by numerical simulations, which results fit the observed temperatures for durations of the underground water movements in the order of 55.000 years.
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Why is it important?
This work is the first attempt to model by bi-dimensional numerical simulations one of the most important thermal fields in northern Italy
The development of three-dimensional models will improve the understanding of the geothermal circuit representing a significant economic resource
Dario Zampieri
Universita degli Studi di Padova
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Conceptual and numerical models of a tectonically-controlled geothermal system: a case study of the Euganean Geothermal System, Northern Italy, Central European Geology, March 2015, Akademiai Kiado,
DOI: 10.1556/24.58.2015.1-2.9.
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