What is it about?

Among the emerging theories on Mind of Pre-Socratic philosophers, the originality of Anaxagoras’ concepts is particularly imposing. Anaxagoras’ doctrine of the autonomous, infinite, powerful and eternal Mind , which is the purest of all things, the master of itself and the ruler on everything, controlling all the elements and directing all the physical interactions in the universe by the most proper way, is the most innovatory amazing theory in ancient philosophy. In addition, his ahead of the times subtle theory of the relationship between matter and energy, predicted in a prophetical way the revolutionary data of the modern science and philosophy

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Why is it important?

Anaxagoras’ doctrine on the unique and eternal omnipotent Mind, in addition to Heraclitus’ concept of the Word (Λόγος) and Parmenides’ concept of Being (Eἶναι) exercised a crucial influence upon Platonic, Aristotelian and New-Platonic philosophies, lasting for centuries, surviving also in the modern philosophical streams as substantial theoretical links between philosophy, medicine and neuroscience .


Anaxagoras is among the greatest philosophers of the world, who introduced the Mind as the supreme, infinite, dominant, autonomous, authentic creative power, who constructed the universe by multidimensional synthesis of the matter by “homoiomerous” elements, that may be divided immensely and infinitively, never ending. He recognized the velocity as the main factor of transition from matter to energy. Anaxagoras theories and hypothesis carry the prophetic message of the contemporary conclusions of the astrophysics, bonding also harmoniously philosophy with science.

Professor Stavros J Baloyannis or Balogiannis or Balojannis or Baloyiannis or Mpalogiannis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Anaxagoras on Mind, Journal of Neurology & Stroke, January 2018, MedCrave Group LLC,
DOI: 10.15406/jnsk.2018.08.00269.
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