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Cerebral vessel events have long been considered a leading cause in postmenopausal women with physiological changes in expressing and secreting of sex hormones. Hormone replacement therapy emerged as a supplementary therapeutic strategy under the risk of cerebrovascular accidents and bone loss. Epidemiological and genetic data showed that an interrelationship among hormone and cerebrovascular disorders exist. A battery of animal experiments and clinical observations received different results both positive and negative.. Recent studies still cannot give a once-for-all answer to whichever hormone, estrogen or progesterone overweighs the other in benefits. Here we review and analyze the two hormones’ effects on cerebrovascular diseases and that of associated epidemiological and genetic evidences.■

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This page is a summary of: Is Sex Hormone a Risk Factor of Nociceptive Hypersensitivity in the Context of Cerebrovascular Diseases?, Science Insights, October 2018, The Bonoi Academy of Science and Education,
DOI: 10.15354/si.18.re079.
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