Harmonized European human biomonitoring in small countries: Challenges, opportunities and lessons learned in Cyprus and Luxembourg from the DEMOCOPHES study
A. Katsonouri, M.E. Fischer, A. Hadjipanayis, M. Arendt, G. Lavranos, L. Hoffmann, K. Maurer-Chronakis, C. Guignard, C. Fragopoulou, E. Cocco, E. Anastasi, D. Pilavakis, E. Efstathiou, L. Demetriou, A. Hadjiefthychiou, E. Demetriou, D. Aerts, L. Casteleyn, P. Biot, M. Kolossa-Gehrin, E. Den Hond, G. Schoeters, A. Castaño, M. Esteban, U. Fiddicke, K. Exley, O. Sepai, A.C. Gutleb
Biomonitoring, January 2015, De Gruyter
DOI: 10.1515/bimo-2015-0005