What is it about?

This paper deals with the role played by interpreters during the Spanish Inquisition according to English-speaking authors.

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Why is it important?

Very few publications have delved into this institution from a traductology point of view. And this one is especially devoted to bibliography published originally in English.


Legend has spread about the Spanish Inquisition. I have the impression that some of these stories about evil men and tortures have nothing to do with reality. However, we have heard very little about people who did exist and played a role within a system where foreigners were suspicious by default. In this article I have tried to deal dispassionately with interpreters and the contexts in which they were required by the Holy Office.

Dr Goretti García-Morales
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Translators and Interpreters during the Spanish Inquisition, Lebende Sprachen, January 2016, De Gruyter,
DOI: 10.1515/les-2016-0016.
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